
Green & Brown Room | Ratio 11:1

Our Classroom

All two year old classrooms are set up with unique learning centers that encourage children to be self-sufficient while fostering an understanding of basic concepts. Our child-centered room arrangement allows children to move freely from one interest center to the next, giving them the opportunity to make plans and choices in their environment. The following is a partial list of the learning centers in our developmentally appropriate classrooms, with a brief description of some of the learning and skills that they foster


Inquisitive two year olds enjoy daily small group educational experiences. With their teacher as their facilitator, they will have the opportunity to talk and learn from each other as they explore new content.

Learning Games

Our teachers make up playful learning games such as dumping small toys into a basket or making a tower. This type of simple, fun game is demonstrating a new way of playing. We view these learning games as rich learning opportunities that encourage all types of learning. Our teachers also closely observe and individualize their teaching to challenge each child. These learning games provide opportunities for children to practice important social skills; emerging sharing, turn-taking, listening, following directions and empathy.

Creative Art

Art for two year olds is all in the exploring of art materials. Teachers encourage their little artists to use their senses to experience the process of art. We provide a variety of activities that include the following: painting, stamping, scribbling, smearing, gluing, sticking etc.

Circle Time

Every day we make time to gather and share stories. Being together allows us to get to know our friends and play learning games. During this time, we also sing and dance as we learn new songs and listen to music.

Literacy and Reading Aloud

Each day we set aside time to read together. Our read-alouds encourage us to learn new words as we read simple, repetitive stories with predictable text. Puppets, flannel stories, writing books and language games are just some of the ways we engage in literacy skills.

Meals & Snacks

We provide our Twos with nutritious foods for daily meals and snacks. We help children develop independence and good eating habits.

Enriching Play: Learning Centers

Twos have the opportunity to explore the following learning centers as part of their daily Enriching Play: Blocks and Building, Language and Books, Fine Motor and Manipulatives, Music, Dramatic Play and Creative Arts. Our teachers also create a variety of props and learning games to enhance children’s learning and engage their curiosity and imagination.

Quiet Time

After lunch, two year olds enjoy a calm atmosphere with soft, dim lighting and a cuddly blanket from home. Children rest on individual, assigned mats. While some doze off and nap for a time, others may enjoy a good book or a quiet activity. We work with families to coordinate this important routine for their child.


Quality children’s literature is displayed in an inviting manner to encourage children to read and explore books. A quiet corner of the room with comfortable chairs and soft areas is established to give children an opportunity to interact with books.


This combined Math/Manipulative/Science Center provides opportunities for children to practice number concepts and fine motor skills. This center also introduces children to scientific discovery, analytical thinking and problem solving.

Sensory Table

This table provides important learning opportunities for young children. As children pour, sift, fill and measure, they experiment with texture, density, and other properties. Sensory areas also are very soothing to children.

Dramatic Play

In this center children have the opportunity to become fire fighters, fathers, doctors, ballerinas, or any other role that their imagination embraces. Housekeeping props as well as other open-ended props and theme prop boxes are available for the children’s play. This role-playing provides children with important peer interactions and socio-emotional development. Children learn to cooperate, share, and gain self-understanding as well as a positive self-image.

Blocks and Building

This area provides building opportunities for children as they lay out roads, castles and other creative monuments. Children learn visual discrimination, large and fine motor control, problem solving, and logical thinking. They experiment with balance, design and other mathematical properties.


A variety of musical instruments await the children in this center. Children creatively make music and move to their beats. Music exposes preschoolers to rhythm, patterns and sound.

Books Paper Airplane

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Starting this week off strong 💕 ... See MoreSee Less

Starting this week off strong 💕Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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God makes the prettiest people!

Wishing the happiest of birthdays to Ms. Emma Anderson! We hope you have the best weekend, you deserve it! 💜 ... See MoreSee Less

Wishing the happiest of birthdays to Ms. Emma Anderson! We hope you have the best weekend, you deserve it! 💜

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Happy birthday ♥️

Happy Birthday 🎂🎊🎁

Happy Birthday 🎈

Red room has been learning all about the color yellow this week! Today, they made banana milkshakes! 🍌🍨 ... See MoreSee Less

Red room has been learning all about the color yellow this week! Today, they made banana milkshakes! 🍌🍨Image attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

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I love that !

Learning about the color yellow in orange room!

Lime room got to play on the small playground today 🤭
... See MoreSee Less

Learning about the color yellow in orange room! 

Lime room got to play on the small playground today 🤭Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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Beautiful children!

We’ve had such a great week so far!! ❤️ ... See MoreSee Less

We’ve had such a great week so far!! ❤️Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

Blue room is focusing on the letters “Y” & “Z” this week! ... See MoreSee Less

Blue room is focusing on the letters “Y” & “Z” this week!Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment
Boy Girl Running

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